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A local company is a company incorporated in Kenya. It may take the form of:
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. Kenyan citizens wishing to register a company are required to register with the ecitizen portal and proceed to obtain the company registration documents which include Certificate of incorporation, List of director and shareholders (CR 12), Company PIN, NSSF and SHA. In order to commence operations, they are also required to obtain a business permit from the county government in which they would like to operate. The County business permit procedure and fees varies from one county to the other.
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. For a Kenyan citizen to register a company in Kisumu County they would first obtain company registration documents after which they are supposed to obtain a single business permit from Kisumu county eservices portal
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. For a Kenyan citizen to register a company in Mombasa county they would first obtain company registration documents after which they are supposed to obtain a single business permit from Mombasa County eservices portal.
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. For a Kenyan citizen to register a company in Nairobi County they would first obtain company registration documents after which they are supposed to obtain a single business permit from Nairobi County self service portal
The procedure of registration of a local company by a foreigner is almost similar to the registration of local company by a citizen but for the requirements. Local companies with a paid-up share capital of less than five (5) million are currenlty requiired to have a secretary, a local director, or a contact person who is a permanent resident in Kenya.During the registration process, a foreigner will only use their passport to register the company unlike for locals who require a Kenya Revenue Authority PIN for registration. Once the company is registered, it is required to obtain business permits in the counties whose costs and requirements also vary. Choose the location to get the procedures of starting a company in the various counties
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. Upon registration the investor is supposed to obtain taxpayer registration for both the company and the directors from Kenya Revenue Authority, registration from Social Health Insurance, National Social Security Fund and obtain a single business permit from Nairobi County.
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. Upon registration the investor is supposed to obtain taxpayer registration for both the company and the directors from Kenya Revenue Authority, Social Health Insurance registration from Social Health Authority Social Security registration from National Social Security Fund and a single business permit from Kisumu County
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. Upon registration the investor is supposed to obtain taxpayer registration for both the company and the directors from Kenya Revenue Authority, Social health registration from Social Health Authority, Social Security registration from National Social Security Fund and a single business permit from Mombasa County .
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. Foreigners wishing to register a company are required to register with the ecitizen portal and proceed to obtain the company registration documents. Upon registration, they are required to obtain a company PIN and register for NSSF and SHA. In order to commence businesses, they are also required to obtain a business permit from the county government which they would like to operate in. The County business permit procedure and fees varies from one county to the other.
Companies incorporated outside Kenya can do business in Kenya by registering a branch. The registrar of companies issues a certificate of compliance once all the requirements have been met. Once the company is registered, the company is required to obtain business permits in the counties whose costs and requirements vary. Choose the location to get the procedures of starting a company in the various counties
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. Upon registration the investor is supposed to obtain taxpayer registration for both the company and the directors from Kenya Revenue Authority, Social health registration from Social Health Authority, Social Security registration from National Social Security Fund and a single business permit from the County government they will be operating in.
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. Upon registration the investor is supposed to obtain taxpayer registration for both the company and the directors from Kenya Revenue Authority, Social health registration from Social Health Authority, Social Security registration from National Social Security Fund and a single business permit from Mombasa County .
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. Upon registration the investor is supposed to obtain taxpayer registration for both the company and the directors from Kenya Revenue Authority, Social health registration from Social Health Authority, Social Security registration from National Social Security Fund and a business permit from Nairobi City County.
Company registration is done online through the ecitizen portal. Upon registration the investor is supposed to obtain taxpayer registration for both the company and the directors from Kenya Revenue Authority, Social health registration from Social Health Authority, Social Security registration from National Social Security Fund and a single business permit from Kisumu County